
For those clients wanting to have greater control of their retirement fund, our staff can explore the opportunity of setting up a self managed superannuation fund.


Superannuation Administration

All self managed superannuation funds must annually prepare financial statements and an income tax return. Lenton Partners has specialised accounting software to efficiently facilitate the preparation of self managed superannuation fund financial statements including portfolio reports detailing asset cost prices against market values. Data is input within the software from client’s source documents to avoid clients having to maintain their own records or spreadsheets.


Provision of Audit Services

It is a requirement that all self managed superannuation funds are audited annually. Lenton Partners employ the services of an independent auditor and work directly with that auditor to ensure the audit is completed effectively and efficiently whilst adhering with the rules and regulations of the superannuation industry (supervision) legislation. For any complex transactions the staff at Lenton Partners will liaise with the auditor to ensure it meets all legislative requirements before being actioned.


Pension Calculations and Structuring

When the time comes for a member of the self managed superannuation fund to draw a pension, the staff at Lenton Partners will liaise with the client on the different pension options available as well as preparing all the necessary documentation to ensure the pension is setup correctly. With strict legislation governing the minimum and maximum pension requirements, Lenton Partners will ensure the client is fully aware of how much pension they must draw well before any deadlines.

“Managing my own investments within my self-managed super fund has allowed me to have an involvement in my retirement planning and most importantly invest in asset classes that interest me. The team at Lenton Partners have been a huge support with providing guidance and understanding of our accounts and net worth, together with legislative changes that we are required to be aware of.”

— Simon Ballard, SMSF member

To arrange a time to talk to one of our trusted advisers, please phone our office on +61 3 9854 6330